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Taylor, K. (2021) Centering Equity in Infectious Disease Research. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. (Invited Talk)

Taylor, K. (2021) Centering Equity in Infectious Disease Research. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg Virginia, VA (Invited Talk)

Taylor, K. (2021) Integrating Equity into Emerging Infectious Disease Research. Microbes and Social Equity Seminar Series. University of Maine, Orono, ME. (Invited Talk) 

Taylor, K. (2021) Integrating Equity into Emerging Infectious Disease Research. BIO Colloquium. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA (Invited Talk)

Taylor, K. (2021) Centering Equity in Emerging Infectious Disease Research: From scientific methods to scientists. Womxn in Science Outside the Lab and Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Seminar Series. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. (Keynote)

Taylor, K.  Samuel L. Diaz1, Ilechukwu Agu1, Ivy José1, Mirella Salvatore2, Tsui-wen Chou3, Timothy Song3, Bin Zhou4, David Gresham3, Elodie Ghedin. (2019) High Frequency of Reassortment Among Diverse Influenza Viruses Revealed by High-Throughput Experimental Coinfection. American Society for Microbiology. San Francisco, CA.

Taylor, K.  Samuel L. Diaz1, Ilechukwu Agu1, Ivy José1, Mirella Salvatore2, Tsui-wen Chou3, Timothy Song3, Bin Zhou4, David Gresham3, Elodie Ghedin. (2019) High Frequency of Reassortment Among Diverse Influenza Viruses Revealed by High-Throughput Experimental Coinfection. Gordon Research Seminar: Viruses and Cells. Barga, Italy. (Short Talk and Poster)

Taylor, K. (2019) The Enemy Within: North American Bunyaviruses and Their Potential to Be the Next Big Pathogen. California State University, Sacramento. (Invited Talk)

Taylor, K., D. E. Stallknecht, M.G. Ruder, D.G. Mead and E. Howerth (2017). The Development of a Murine Model for Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease Virus. Poster Talk and Poster presented at the  American Society For Virology Conference. Madison, WI. (poster)

Taylor, K., D.E. Stallknecht, M.G. Ruder, D.G. Mead and E. Howerth (2017). The Development of a Murine Model for Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease Virus.  American Society For Microbiology Conference. New Orleans, LA. (poster talk)

Taylor, K., Graham, J.P. (2012). The Effects of Confined Poultry Feeding Operations on Discharges of Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogenic E. Coli and Nutrients from Watersheds. Poster presented at the 2012 George Washington University Research Day Symposium.

Williamson, K., R.L. Alphina, C. Ciaverelli, M. Rankin, and E.R. Benson (2009). Onset and Cessation of Rigor Mortis in Layer Hens. Poster presented at the 2009 International Poultry Expo Studen poster presentation. Atlanta, Georgia

Williamson, K., R.L. Alphina, C. Ciaverelli, M. Rankin, and E.R. Benson (2008).Onset and Cessation of Rigor Mortis in Layer Hens. Poster presented at the 2008 University of Delaware Undergraduate Research Symposium.


Taylor, K. (2020) Journey to the Center of a Pandemic: From Dolphins to Viruses and More. STEM Scholars in Biology 2020 Virtual Institute: Pathways to STEM Careers. Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY. (Invited Talk)

Taylor, K. (2020) Career Path Panel Women+ of color in STEM PhD Programs. Harvard University, Boston, MA (Invited Panelist)

Taylor, K. (2020) Making Graduate Science More Inclusive. Stanford University, Stanford, CA (Invited Panelist)

Taylor, K. (2020) Increasing Diversity in the Microbial Sciences: Trainee Perspectives. Strengthening Career Pathways in Science for Underrepresented Groups, American Society for Microbiology Congressional Briefing on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM. (Invited Talk)

Taylor, K. (2020) Journey to the Center of a Pandemic: From Dolphins to Viruses and More. STEM Scholars in Biology 2020 Virtual Institute: Pathways to STEM Careers. Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY. (Invited Talk)

Taylor, K. (2016). STEM Diversity and Inclusion, Perspectives on Why It Matters, University of Delaware Seminar. Newark, DE. (Invited Talk)